I’m a Comms Officer for the NHS in East Yorkshire, and I’ve an obsession with music and pop culture. I often complain I have no free time, yet I’ve decided here to set myself the mammoth task of reviewing every single UK number one single, in order, starting all the way back at 1952.
Well, I set myself the task of listening to them, and have so far found it a fascinating, if at times, arduous experience. It’s shone a different perspective on musical history for me, with some surprising omissions at the top spot, alongside the brilliant, bizarre and banal.
So, why not?
Hopefully I’ll make the experience entertaining, even if the music is sometimes not. I’ll aim to provide some stats, YouTube clips, some background knowledge of what was going on in the world at the time, and some honest thoughts on what I’ve heard. I love all kinds of music, but that definitely doesn’t mean I like every single number 1…